The disposal of waste anesthetics in the procedure room is a critical aspect of surgical practice with important implications for environmental safety and regulatory compliance. Anesthetic agents are widely used during surgical procedures, and their disposal must be carefully managed to prevent potential harm to both healthcare personnel and the environment. Many anesthetics, such as volatile inhalational anesthetics, are potent greenhouse gases, while others, such as intravenous anesthetics, can pose toxicity risks if not properly disposed of.

Inhalational anesthetics, such as desflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane, are some of the most commonly used agents in modern anesthesia practice. These agents are typically delivered to patients in the OR via a vaporizer system and exhaled through the anesthesia circuit. A significant portion of these gases, especially when delivered in high fresh gas flows, is not metabolized by the patient and may be released into the operating room air and subsequently into the environment. Studies have shown that inhalational anesthetics contribute to global warming, with desflurane being one of the most environmentally damaging due to its long atmospheric lifetime and high global warming potential (1). In addition, improper disposal of these gases, such as venting them directly into the atmosphere, can significantly exacerbate their environmental impact. Therefore, it is imperative to use scavenging systems in the OR to capture these anesthetic gases for proper disposal (2).

In addition to inhalational agents, waste intravenous anesthetics also require careful disposal. Drugs such as propofol, used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia, can be hazardous if not disposed of correctly. Propofol has been shown to be toxic to aquatic life if it enters water systems through improper disposal (3). Many anesthetic agents are also tightly controlled due to a risk of adverse health effects if diverted and misused. Hospitals must follow strict guidelines for disposal of pharmaceutical waste, which often includes segregating anesthetic waste into appropriate containers and ensuring that it is handled by licensed medical waste disposal companies. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in environmental contamination and potential legal consequences for healthcare facilities.

Concerns associated with the disposal of waste anesthetics have led to the development of several strategies to mitigate their impact. One such strategy is the use of lower fresh gas flow rates during anesthesia, which reduces the amount of wasted inhalational anesthetics. Studies have shown that reducing fresh gas flow rates can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of anesthesia practice without compromising patient safety (4). In addition, the use of alternative anesthetic techniques, such as total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), can further reduce the environmental impact. TIVA completely eliminates the use of inhalational agents, although it introduces its own set of disposal challenges for intravenous drugs.

Another emerging approach involves recycling anesthetic gases. Technologies are being developed to capture and purify waste anesthetic gases for reuse, which could dramatically reduce the environmental impact of anesthesia. Although still in the early stages, such systems have shown promise in reducing the release of harmful greenhouse gases from operating rooms (4).

In summary, the proper disposal of anesthetics in the procedure room is a critical aspect of healthcare practice with significant environmental and regulatory implications. Both inhalational and intravenous anesthetics present disposal challenges that require careful management to minimize environmental impact. By implementing strategies such as reducing fresh gas flows, using scavenging systems, and exploring alternative anesthetic techniques, healthcare providers can reduce the environmental footprint of anesthesia practice while maintaining patient safety and regulatory compliance.


  1. Sulbaek Andersen MP, Sander SP, Nielsen OJ, Wagner DS, Sanford TJ Jr, Wallington TJ. Inhalation anaesthetics and climate change. Br J Anaesth. 2010;105(6):760-766. doi:10.1093/bja/aeq259
  2. Ryan SM, Nielsen CJ. Global warming potential of inhaled anesthetics: application to clinical use. Anesth Analg. 2010;111(1):92-98. doi:10.1213/ANE.0b013e3181e058d7
  3. Cohen S, Lhuillier F, Mouloua Y, Vignal B, Favetta P, Guitton J. Quantitative measurement of propofol and in main glucuroconjugate metabolites in human plasma using solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2007;854(1-2):165-172.
  4. McGain F, Muret J, Lawson C, Sherman JD. Environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and critical care. Br J Anaesth. 2020;125(5):680-692. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2020.06.055

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